An innocent little girl asks her mother whilst she gets pushed on a swing in the park playground
“Mummy, where does your money go after you spend it?”
Mum answers “Well…”
The movie begins with the little girls’ piggy bank falling out of her lap whilst she is on the swing. The piggy bank smashes and the only pound coin in there flies out and begins to spin rapidly as it hits the ground.
A skateboarder accidentally hits the coin and so it begins its dramatic journey.
The journey starts off calmly and happily as it whizzes round the playground apparatus, rolling in and out of the climbing frames and the water fountain etc…
Eventually it finds its way down a drain, leading it through some underground pipes which resemble a water park roller coaster ride. The coin inevitably gets flushed out of the underground by a surge of water, exiting through a broken sewage pipe in the middle of some road works on the street. A road works constructer spots the pound coin rolling away and quickly stamps on it with ownership. As he picks it up he realises there’s a casino right in front of him and goes there to gamble with his new found pound. After placing the coin in the gambling machine, he hits the jackpot as the machine displays three football symbols. He leaves the casino full of happiness and flicks the one pound coin to a beggar on the street, on his way out. A thief comes to steal the pound from the beggar and runs away. As the beggar screams at him from behind, the thief loses composure and the pound coin drops from his pocket and continues its climax building journey through busy pedestrian feet walking. It rolls into a curb and hits it, then drops on its face where it lies through the frosty night, feeling lonely. The next morning “beep…beep…beep” comes the sound of a metal detector in the hands of a tax man who comes to take it away. He packs it in a money bag and takes to ‘THE MAN’ who oversees all the rest of the money in the city.
The film is then concluded with a proverb quote which we haven’t yet decided upon
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